A downloadable game

Click the flag to get started. Then, click on the red button to roll the dice. You only get 3 rolls per turn, but you get an extra roll if you manage to get a four of a kind. WARNING! Do not score zero on a card! you won't be able to access cards below it if you do! Click on dice you don't want to roll.

Card Table: (You can pick any card you want if you roll a five of a kind and score 50 points.)

11s1 x  number of 1s rolled
22s2 x  number of 2s rolled
33s3 x  number of 3s rolled
44s4x number of 4s rolled
55s5x number of 5s rolled
66s6x number of 6s rolled
2ptwo pairs20
3xthree of a kindadd all dice together
4xfour of a kindadd all dice together
Hfull house25
Ssmall straight30
Llarge straight40
?chanceadd all dice together

Are you lucky enough to clear the board? Find out by playing Yahtzee Solitaire!

Original Yahtzee belongs to Hasbro. I am not affiliated to them whatsoever.

The music is a slowed version of Hello by OMFG.


Yahtzee Solitaire.zip 93 MB

Install instructions

1. Download ZIP

2. Extract

3.Run EXE

You can also play this on scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/898077149/